Alexander A. Inozemtsev was awarded the Academician E.N. Avrorin Medal


On December 10, 2021, the results of the Year of Science and Technology were summed up at the winter scientific session of the General Assembly of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg).   

The academic event consisted of speakers’ reports from the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS) and the awarding of medals, diplomas and prizes to scientists for achievements that have been recognized by the community as the most outstanding.

Deputy General Director of UEC for Perm Engines Research & Production Complex Management, Managing Director-General Designer of UEC-Aviadvigatel, corresponding member, Alexander A. Inozemtsev was awarded the Academician E.N. Avrorin Medal for his cycle of work on "Innovative Gas Turbine Technologies for Aircraft Engines and Power Plants".


The Academician E.N. Avrorin Medal is interdisciplinary and is awarded once every two years. The Academician E.N. Avrorin Medal can be nominated by outstanding scientists who are on the staff of organizations of academic, higher educational and industry science, which are under the scientific and methodological supervision of the Ural Branch of RAS. Physicist Evgeny Nikolaevich Avrorin is a Soviet and Russian theorist, specialist in the field of physical theories of new and special equipment, academician of RAS, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize winner.

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