Club Stroganovsky visited perm design bureau


Club Stroganovsky organized a visiting session at «UEC-Aviadvigatel» JSC. This is the first introduction visit of the Perm political and industrial elite to the Design Bureau.

Managing Director – General Designer of «UEC-Aviadvigatel» JSC Alexander Inozemtsev presented the company to the guests, as well as its principal achievements and future development plans, current and perspective projects. A special interest of the guests was provoked by the project on developing newest Russian high-thrust engine PD-35 and constructing the new test rigs for the engine in Novyie Lyady.

The top-managers of the Perm largest companies and organizations had a tour around the company to see the robotic production areas, the newest metal-processing centers, laser machines, and parts manufactured with the use of additive technologies. Modern test rigs used for testing the PD-14 pilot engine, were of high interest for the guests of the Perm Design Bureau.

The participants of the meeting noted with satisfaction that «UEC-Aviadvigatel» JSC plays a significant role in the Perm region economy:

The Design bureau actively brings other region’s companies into cooperation. For example, the work on manufacturing the gas turbine units for gas pumping and energy generation is performed by more than ten Perm regional cooperating companies;

18 power plants developed by the Perm Design Bureau are installed at Uralkaliy PJSC, Perm Co-Generation Plant #13, Sibur-Khimprom JSC, LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez LLC. The total operation time of these gas turbine units has exceeded 400 thousand hours;

Being one of the most science-intensive and technologically developed companies if the Perm region, «UEC-Aviadvigatel» JSC actively participates in training of the specialists and improving the laboratory and testing facilities of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

Completing the visit, the representatives of the Stroganovsky club commented that companies like «UEC-Aviadvigatel» JSC not only make feel proud of the Perm Region but also encourage to participate in the nation-scale project realization jointly with the Design Bureau.

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